Saturday, April 20, 2013

2013 and still cookin'...

This morning, my friend and neighbor, Kathy Micek, had me and some other ladies over for coffee.  We had a wonderful time talking and laughing and, of course, eating!  Below is the recipe for the delicious sweet rolls that Kathy made.  Yummm!

This recipe is from June Snell. She brought it home from Europe with her in the early 1950’s when she and her husband, Philip, helped build a distribution center for goods donated to Church World Service, I believe. The center was built in Holland after a devastating flood. This was typical of the kind of things Philip and June did. They gave often and readily, to help others.

 Butter Horn Rolls

1 envelope dry yeast- dissolve in ¼ cup warm water
Warm together until butter gets soft:
¾ cup milk
½ butter cut into small chunks- microwave is ok, but watch it that it doesn’t get too hot.
Add the following ingredients and the dissolved yeast (if milk is too hot, it will kill the yeast, use caution. Take care of your yeast and it will take care of you)
½ cup sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1 t. salt
Once mixed, add:
4 to 4 ½ cups flour (I used 2 cups white whole wheat flour)
I use a Kitchenaid mixer with a dough hook, but you can mix with any mixer up until you add the last couple cups of flour. Then you may have to knead it in by hand. Continue kneading or using the dough hook for 2 minutes. Put in a greased bowl and cover with clean dish towel, in a warm area until doubled. This could take one to two hours. To test if it is ready to punch down, leave a finger print in the dough and check in a few minutes to see if it is still raising. If it is, leave it covered for a while. You can rush this process by putting the covered bowl in the (unheated) oven, with a pan of warm water below it on a different oven shelf. Close the oven and let the dough proof. Once it has doubled, punch it down. You may want to put some flour on your hands so the dough won’t stick.
For the caramel rolls, prepare a 9” x 13” pan by putting in it: ¼ cup melted butter, 2 Tablespoons water, ¾ cup brown sugar, mix. Roll out into a rectangle for cinnamon rolls, spread ¼ cup melted butter and a mixture of 1 cup sugar & 2 teaspoons cinnamon over it. Roll up like a jelly roll and slice into one inch pieces (I use dental floss to cut with, but thread works, too). Put in 9 x 13 pan, on top of brown sugar mixture, with swirl side up. Cover. This is where I froze the rolls.
To bake immediately, just cover the 9 x 13 pan with a clean dish towel and let rise until doubled. Bake in a 350 degree oven until done (test by pushing down in the middle. If too squishy, bake longer). It will take 15 -25 minutes, I think. I just wait until I smell it (yummy cinnamon rolls smell). If you find a perfect time, let me know.
To bake if you have frozen the cinnamon rolls: The night before you want the rolls, take them out of the freezer, put in refrigerator, still covered. In the morning, set the rolls on the counter until they rise. If you need to hurry this, set in (unheated) oven with pan of warm water until they rise. It will take up to a couple hours on the counter. Once they are puffed up a bit, bake at 350 for 15-25 minutes or so. Turn out of the pan once baked, so the caramel will be on top. Enjoy!